We've created a series of articles on specific topics, giving you a kind of free mini-course on the following subjects:
- Build better tests to enchance your .NET Testing
Enhance your .NET Testing #1: WebApplicationFactory
The WebApplicationFactory class allows you to create a factory for bootstrapping an application in memory for testing.
Clean Code
- Elevate code quality with 9 rules of Calisthenics objects
Object Calisthenics #1: Elevating Code Quality with 9 Powerful Rules
Discover how Object Calisthenics can revolutionize your coding practices. Learn 9 essential rules to elevate your software craftsmanship and produce cleaner, more maintainable code.

- .NET Messaging with MassTransit
MassTransit #1: A Game-Changer for .NET Messaging
We shall delve into various patterns enabled by MassTransit, furnish examples of situations where it shines, and conclude with its advantages.